I absolutely love the sea, and I care deeply about conservation, so whenever I get the chance to teach an ESL class about either of these topics, I throw my heart and soul into it. Particularly in China, there is little education about ocean conservation, and so I feel it makes a difference not just in a student’s English level, but in raising awareness over a hugely important issue.
I’m going to attach my lesson as a Word document and a PowerPoint presentation. It’s all pretty self-explanatory. It also follows a fairly straightforward methodology that you will have seen in my other lessons. I begin with a discussion to raise interest, and then move into a PPT that pre-teaches some blocking vocabulary from the following listening exercise. The listening exercises are different to what I usually do because I wanted my students focused on an overall idea. Thus, I look in detail at the introduction.
It’s all based on this TED Talk by Brian Skerry. If you like this lesson, you’ll probably get a kick out of my other website, which teaches IELTS skills by using TED Talks.