Teaching technology vocabulary is essential but you can’t just rely on the textbook. The textbook my school gives me is great but it’s also about 12 years old. In the world of technology, that’s a dinosaur. Students all use tablets, smartphones, apps, and videostreaming services, but none of these things are mentioned in most ESL textbooks. Instead, they teach words like “cassette” and “CD” and talk about “surfing the net.”

Well, if you want to teach up-to-date vocabulary in this area, you’ve got to prepare the materials yourself! Well, actually, you don’t. I’ve put together a PPT that you can use. It’s got some really useful ESL technology vocabulary like:

  • tablet
  • smartphone
  • app
  • meme
  • social network
and much more. Feel free to download it, adapt it, and share it.

You can find out more about technology and IELTS at my other website.